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It is not possible to count an application full automatically from the source code called backfired function points.
Technically you can do it but the counted function points would be not IFPUG conform.
The result is not comparable with IFPUG conformed fps and would be only the number of the methods of any boundary classes.
Dr. Mr. MVilla,
please delete the Project Plandata and create a new Project Plandata. If you create a Sub System, please select at first the Language.
After you have selected the Language, you can create an estimation.
Have a nice weekend
Please export the project as following:
Select the project in the Project Navigator and click right muse and Export > General > Archive File and send the file to
julie wrote:I need to do function point count for a client server application. Need to clarify few things.
1. Do I need to count the client application and server application separately? For server it is a business service hosted on IIS.
So what are the aspects to be considered for sizing the server application.
2. I need to estimate the effort for a client application which is being ported to a different technology. The business service won't be having any change and this new application would also consume the same business service. All database access and other interfacing is through this service only. So I need to count the GUI development effort on a new technology. How should I approach this.
I am new to FP and kind of confused whether on how client server application can be estimated using function point. Please help
Hi Julie,
the view of the server, client application, etc. describes an application from the technical perspective.
In your case I would say there is an application, which contains the client application as well as server application.
mahen_kulkarni wrote:Hi,
I am working on FP estimates for migration purpose wherein we are going to re-use existing DB schema. How do I calculate ILFs? Do we need to count ILFs here? Please clarify meaning of "Maintain" in ILF definition. Does this mean only creating database tables or any additional work ?
Hi Mahen,
As far as I understood it is a question of a migration project. You have to count an elmentary process (as EI) for each ILF has to be migrated.
Does anyone have any tips/thoughts on how it could work full automatically or half automatically ?
The question is what you count. Your “Open Source code“ part is also an application with certain functionalities and boundaries. Therefore you have to count this part as usually.
If this “Open Source code“ part is used in an application A, you have to count than the application, because the application bounds is changed.
What are differences between IFPUG function point method and COSMIC functional size method?
Which countries use COSMIC
Do you have any experience with COSMIC ...
Ilbey Batuhan
Hi Edwin,
Thank you very much..
As far as I have understood, the different is the only in the enhancement project count. NESMA use so called Impact Factor to adjust the enhancement project count.
Ilbey Batuhan
What are differences between NESMA and IFPUG Function Point Standards?
Which countries use NESMA
Do you have any experience with NESMA
Ilbey Batuhan
That's what I wanted to know...
I would also have counted two applications...
Thank you for your respones.
Ilbey Batuhan
Hi Ryan,
Thank you very much for your detailed answer. The other question would be, whether an application system can include other application system. For example: A typical web application (e.g. Online Shopping) consists of more than one tiers. One of them is the Enterprise Service Bus. This tier does not matter for the web application “Online Shopping”. But the tier “Enterprise Service Bus” is from the project perspective an application with its boundary. Would you also count the tier “Enterprise Service Bus” as application system with its boundary or not?
The positioning of an Application Boundary can be subjective.
What factors should be considered when determining the position of Application Boundaries for applications?
Support now FPA for Software Enhancement (100% NESMA compliant)
Customizing of all NESMA impact factors
A new tree enables now the easy navigation in counts
Based on the Eclipse 4.2.1
Hi Ryan,
according IFPUG-CPM are the Payments & Customers 1 ILF to count, if they have instance dependency. It means you have delete all payments of a customer, if the customer has been. deleted.
But if the payment information (without customer) are relevant for the company, you can also delete you customers without deleting theirs payments. In this case you 2 ILF Payment & Customer.
Have a nice day
M. Ozturk
Hi Royce,
thanks for your detailed answer..
I have seen that you have your own website to this issue..
M. Ozturk
What factors should be considered when determining the position of Application Boundaries for applications?
Hi Ryan,
it is definitely for me the changing of business logic.
The logic of elementary process changeViews has been changed!
See the attachment...
Is it right, that the adjustment for function points was removed