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Forum Index » Software Measurement [XML]
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Application Boundary 5 moeztuerk 152326 02/11/2017 11:22:58
rekhasree [Latest Reply]
Differences between COSMIC & IFPUG FPA 2 moeztuerk 96924 02/11/2017 11:22:58
rekhasree [Latest Reply]
Is Value Adjustment Factor (VAF) removed? 3 moeztuerk 106532 05/08/2017 11:51:06
root checker apk [Latest Reply]
IFPUG Enhancement FP formula 1 krupanandem 102384 31/07/2017 07:20:25
kajalmudhiraj [Latest Reply]
Application Boundary For Function Point Analysis 2 moeztuerk 100862 29/07/2017 08:15:46
ravansranu9 [Latest Reply]
Why so much measurement methodologies 4 Admin 101710 26/07/2017 08:03:30
nareshdarling [Latest Reply]
Differences NESMA & IFPUG Function Point Standards 3 moeztuerk 106207 28/11/2013 11:23:14
psoneira [Latest Reply]
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